Never in a million years did I think “Self-Quarantine” would be in the title of a blog.
Yet, here we are locked up in our homes with few places to go. The upside is that we can go outside while keeping the six feet distance from one another of course…
So, the first thing I suggest is that you get your booty out for a neighborhood walk, jog, or nature hike. Even when you do not feel like getting outside, a change of scenery does wonders. Go outside with your kids…and if you can, get some outside time alone too. My family and I have been going on two walks/jogs a day.
Secondly, make sure to keep up with your goals, both work and personal. Do some reading on your profession, or practice some specific area on which you want to focus and improve. For example, I am an actress, so I have been practicing my breathing techniques and vocal exercises; I’ve been re-reading old scripts; and I’ve started taking virtual acting classes to continue to improve and keep my momentum. Besides this, I’ve been creating new dances or researching recipes for my website as well.
Also, be sure to keep some kind of routine, even if it means changing out of your pajamas and going for a long walk to start the day. This will help prevent you from plopping in front of your TV straight from bed…or from getting too far down and out.
Speaking of which, be aware of your mental health. These are extremely straining conditions we are experiencing right now, and the resolution to our immediate future is uncertain. It is completely understandable to feel some depression or increased anxiety. Talk to a friend, or, if necessary, a professional about how you are feeling.
The last thing I want to leave you with is this: even though we are self-isolating, we are all in this together. Hopefully, we can grow from this, and learn to be more compassionate with one another.
I have always turned to dance and fitness as an outlet for joy and a sense of release. I considered teaching class at local dance studios but I wanted to reach a larger audience and that’s how was created.